

The following act as a guide to the specific considerations and undertakings, in addition to the
general requirements as detailed in the General Rules of the Record Breakers’ Pack, for any
potential attempt on the above record.
They should be read and understood by all concerned – organisers, participants and witnesses
– prior to the event.
Please note that, as detailed in the Agreement Regarding Record Attempts, these guidelines in
no way provide any kind of safety advice or can be construed as providing any comfort that the
record is free from risk.

The record for the most women breast-feeding is based on the number of mothers breast-
feeding their own child simultaneously.

1 お母さん1人に赤ちゃん1人が許される
2 赤ちゃんが欲しがるよう授乳するという制約から,実際に記録のための時間に授乳しなかったお母さんの数はカウントされない
3 ほ乳びん,人工乳首,おしゃぶりは許されない
4 台帳への登録,回り木戸,チケット制などを使って,参加人数は正確に確認されなければならない
5 全部で二人の第三者の立場の証人が正確なそして最終的な,参加者全体の数字を証言しなければならない。
6 全ての参加者が十分にこの試みに参加できていたということを承認するために十分なお手伝いの参加が必要である。お手伝いは記録への挑戦の場所が審判(official)に見えやすいというような目的で配置されべきである(訳注officialは一般には役人ですが,審判という意味もあり,ここではそう訳しました。証人ということではないでしょうか?)
7 ひとつの場所あたり25人以上の参加者が必要
8 少なくても10ヶ所以上の参加が必要
9 使われた場所の総計とその場所は資料とともに提出されなければならない
10 参加する場所が世界中にわたる場合には,いっせいに全ての場所ではじめられるように時間を同調させる必要がある。その地域の時間も書き添えて報告が必要である
11 それぞれの場所では同じ書式を用いる
12 現在の一ヶ所での最多授乳記録が明らかに破られなければならない
1 - One baby per mother is allowed for the attempt.
2 - Due to the restraints of babies being breast fed on demand, women not actually
breast-feeding at the allotted time are not to be included in the count.
3 - The use of bottles, teats or pacifiers is not allowed.
4 - Attendance numbers must be accurately confirmed by means of either
registration into a logbook, by turnstile or by a ticketing system to count the
5 - The two overall independent witnesses must confirm the exact and final figure
of total participants in their statements.
6 - Sufficient stewards must be involved to ratify that all the contestants fully
participate in the attempt – stewards should be placed in such a way that every
part of the record attempt area is visible to the officials.
7 - There must be a minimum of 25 participants per location.
8 - There must be at least 10 different venues.
9 - The total amount of venues used and their location must be submitted with the
10 - If there are to be venues around the world participating, then the event must be
synchronized so that it occurs simultaneously in all locations. The local time at
each venue must be included in the documentation.
11 - The same format must be followed at each location.
12 - The current record for the single location record must be significantly broken.

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