1 世界同時授乳(Synchronized Breastfeeding Worldwide)においてもっとも多くのお母さんを集めること,つまり,それぞれの現地時間で全く同じ時間に参加者が授乳すること。
(訳注 リストはここには載っていません)
2 毎年,各国記録を超えることを推進するために一ヶ所または複数ヶ所での同時授乳についての各国の記録の永続的または進行形のリストを作ること。
3 国家間の協力を作り出すこと。各国はそれぞれの独自の記録を破ることを競って,オルガナイザーは各国の進展のリストを記録していきます
4 地域やその国において母乳育児中のお母さんの間の仲間意識を作り出すこと。そのことによって,母親の支援グループの形成が促進される。
5 平和の普遍的な祈り,母性と母乳育児の贈り物への感謝の形として母乳育児の同時授乳を確立すること
1. To gather the most number of mothers in Synchronized Breastfeeding Worldwide, that is, participants will breastfeed at exactly the same LOCAL TIME in their Time Zone. Like the celebration of New Year, with every hour in succession for a 24-hour period, countries in one time zone will be breastfeeding simultaneously. See enclosed list of countries in each Time Zone.
2. To make a permanent and on-going roster of the national records of each nation on simultaneous breastfeeding in a single site and in multiple sites, urging each nation to surpass its own record every succeeding year.
3. To establish cooperation between nations, each nation competing with its own record. The Organizers will keep a roster of achievements of every nation,
(a) its record for single site.
(b) its record for multiple sites,
(c) the national record for breastfeeding mothers per million population as the true measure of their effort and achievement,
(d) the overall record for each Time Zone, and
(e) above all, overall worldwide record for each year. Each nation will follow a standard set of Event Guidelines.
4. To nurture a fellowship among breastfeeding mothers in their locality and country that may facilitate the formation of mother support groups.
5. To establish simultaneous breastfeeding as a form of universal prayer for peace and thanksgiving for the gift of motherhood and breastfeeding.
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